Postoperative instructions
It is very important to consume exclusively soft foods for a period of at least 8 days after tonsillectomy.
Some of the recommended foods are the following: purees, soups (chicken soup, noodles, yams), burgers, jelly, rice pudding, ice cream, yogurt, bread crumbs, etc.
On the contrary, the following foods should definitely be avoided: cookies, pretzels, raisins, nuts, chocolates, bread crusts, toast, meats, etc.
The patient may experience a fever (up to 38.5 C) usually during the first 2 postoperative days.
A brief, sharp pain (reflex pain) in the ear may be felt when swallowing for up to 7 days after surgery.
The mouth smells characteristically for up to 7 days after surgery, while the area from which the tonsils were removed has a characteristic white color.
Saliva may be abundant and pink during the first postoperative day.
There may be a loss of 1 or 2 kilograms during the first postoperative week.
Ear operations
In the first days, the patient should lie on the pillow with the operated ear upwards or supine.
The surgical incision should be smeared with antibiotic ointment for a period of one week postoperatively.
The patient should not travel for at least 10 days after surgery..
The minimum time that the patient should stay away from work is 7 days..
The following instructions must be followed by the patient for at least 30 days..
Avoid coughing.
Try to avoid sneezing (if it cannot be prevented, then it is advisable to sneeze with the mouth open so that the pressure is relieved through the mouth and not through the nose).
Avoid blowing the nose forcefully.
Avoid constipation.
The patient should avoid intense physical activity, exercise, heavy work or lifting weights (more than 5 kg).
Avoid water into the operated ear
Travel by plane should be postponed for at least the 2nd postoperative month.
General information
The length of stay in the clinic is usually 24 hours.
The sutures are removed during the first postoperative review (7th postoperative day).
The removal of the gauze from the inside of the ear is done during the 2nd or 3rd postoperative week.
An audiological test (audiogram) is usually performed after 3 to 4 months postoperatively.
Nose operations
The minimum time that the patient must stay away from work is 4 days.
Avoid blowing the nose for at least 7 days.
The patient should avoid intense physical activity, exercise, heavy work or lifting weights (more than 5 kg) for at least 7 days.
A quick bath with lukewarm water is allowed from the 2nd day, but without the presence of water vapor or very hot water.
The nasal ointment that is administered must be placed in both nostrils for at least 7 days.
In case of bleeding (nosebleed), the patient should contact their doctor immediately.
General information
The length of stay in the clinic is usually 24 hours.
The removal of the nasal packing (gauze) is usually done on the morning of the 2nd postoperative day shortly before discharge.
Nasal breathing, smell and taste gradually return during the 1st to 2nd postoperative week.
There is no swelling in the nose or around the eyes, unless it is a rhinoplasty.
Removal of vocal cord polyp
The stay in the Clinic usually lasts only a few hours. Very rarely an overnight stay is required.
Light and lukewarm meals are recommended for the first 2 days after the operation, while then the return to a normal diet gradually begins.
Rarely, some pain in the throat is observed, which is easily treated with common painkillers.
The minimum time for complete aphonia is 2 days. This always depends on the type and size of the larynx damage preoperatively.
During the period of aphonia, it is recommended that communication be done in writing.
When the patient is required to speak, it is best to avoid whispering or very loud speech.
Smoking should be avoided for a period of at least 7 days postoperatively.
The results of the histopathological examination (biopsy) are usually ready 2 days after the operation.
The patient is re-examined in the clinic, usually on the 7th postoperative day.